Publishing a Print Book & eBook
Author Signup: Go to Create an author account with this link
https://www.inkofknowledge.com/author-login Once you've successfully signed up, click the New Book tab and begin creating your book.
In order for a book to be submitted successfully, there are mainly three steps.
Book Information: An overview of a book that provides the reader with a clear understanding of its content.
Print Details: Provide technical details of paper type, ink colors, trim size, binding type etc.
Pricing & Distribution: Set your royalty rate and sell your book to major retailers
Step 1
Book Information
An overview of a book that provides the reader with a clear understanding of its content

Book Title:
Enter your title as it appears on the book cover. This field cannot be changed after your book is published. hen choosing a book, consider your interests, read reviews, and try to broaden your reading by exploring different genres and authors.
Book Subtitle:
A subtitle is an optional secondary title that contains additional information about the content of your book.
Choose your book's primary language (the language in which the book was written).
If your book is part of a series, add series details so readers can easily find the titles on a single detail page.
Enter the primary author or contributor. Pen names are allowed. Additional authors can be added in the Contributors field. This field cannot be changed after your book is published. First name will be taken as the main author.
Author biography:
An author biography is a written account of an individual's life and accomplishments, typically including information about their education, career, and personal background. When reading an author biography, look for information about the author's writing process, influences, and themes to gain a deeper understanding and appreciation of their work. Additionally, researching an author's life can provide valuable context and insights into their writing.
An edition is a specific version of a book. A book's edition number indicates if it is an original or an updated version. For the first time you are publishing this book, enter 1. Whenever a book has previously been published and a new version contains significant changes, enter the numeral 2 (and so on).
An edition is a specific version of a book. A book's edition number indicates if it is an original or an updated version. For the first time you are publishing this book, enter 1. Whenever a book has previously been published and a new version contains significant changes, enter the numeral 2 (and so on).
Precise browse categorization helps readers find your book, so be sure to select the most appropriate categories for your book.
Search keywords help readers find your book when they browse the eCommerce site. You can enter keywords or short phrases that describe your book and are relevant to its content.
If you wish, you can complete the book information later. Click on the Next button.
Step 2
Print Details
Provide technical details of paper type, ink colors, trim size, binding type etc. Select the color and paper for your interior, and the binding and finish for your cover.

Ink and Paper Type: Select Black and White Interior with white paper, Standard color Interior with white paper, or Premium color with white paper. Your cover is always printed using Premium Color. Below is a detailed comparison of ink and paper types:

Black & white interior with white paper
Typical for academic and memoirs
Paper weight: 75-90 grams per square meter
Black & white interior with cream paper
Typical for fiction and memoirs
Paper weight: 75-90 grams per square meter

Standard color interior with white paper
More affordable option suitable for most books with color
Not recommended for books with full-page color elements
Paper weight: 75-90 grams per square meter
Inkjet Printing Technology
Book Size:
All books can be published in four sizes. 8" x 10", 6" x 9", 6" x 8", 5" x 8". Uploading a book of a different size will automatically reduce it to its near-defined size. When an 8.5" x 11" book is uploaded, it will be automatically reduced to 8" x 10"
The total number of pages in the manuscript should be mentioned.
Book Cover:
We recommend a book cover for a good reader experience. You can create a cover using our Cover Creator tool or upload your own Book cover or you may higher professional book cover design services.
Premium color interior with white paper
Crisp, vibrant colors for illustrations, graphics, and images
Recommended for books with full-page color elements
Paper weight: 90-100 grams per square meter
LaserJet or Digital Printing Technology
Manuscript Upload:
Please upload a manuscript of your book's interior. Our recommendation is to format your book in a PDF file for best results. It is also possible to upload a DOC (.doc) or DOCX (.docx) file.
Print a Book:
Our recommendation is to format your book in a PDF file for best results.
Our recommendation is to format your book in a EPUB, or docx file for best results.
Step 3
Pricing & Distribution
Set your royalty rate and sell your book to major retailers.

List Price & Author Royalty:
The Minimum Selling Price (Min.) is automatically calculated based on the previously submitted details, as well as the author royalty. It is possible for the author to edit the list price of the book separately for Indians and Internationals.
NOTE: The List is the higher possible price at which author is willing to sell their book, taking into consideration factor such as book content, Book genre and market demand. The list price is usually higher than the minimum selling price. To ensure you earn revenue for sales, the list price cannot be less than the minimum price. In order to increase his book's selling price, the author may increase the Minimum Selling Price (MSP).
It is possible to publish ebooks if the author wishes. Click on the Tab button & Set list price & Author Royalty.
The wide distribution of your ebooks allows you to maximize your reach without being limited by distribution platforms or geographical regions. As the author, you retain full control over where your book appears and can even customize it for different regions and platforms. Here, the author has the right to choose the type of distribution platform where his books will be made available:
Digital Store
These stores allow users to purchase ebooks for download or delivery directly to a dedicated device or app. Barnes & Noble, Kobo, Apple, Tolino, Vivlio, Smashwords, Amazon, Google Play
Subscription Services
These services allow members to pay a monthly or annual fee and read ebooks included in the service for no additional fee. Publishers are paid based on how much their books get read. Scribd, Kobo Plus
Library Services
Library services provide a catalog of available ebooks to library staff. Each library chooses which of those books to make available to their patrons. The library may either purchase the book through a “Cost Per Checkout” model or “One Copy/One User”OverDrive, Bibliotheca, Baker & Taylor ,Hoopla, BorrowBox, Palace Marketplace
NOTE: Thanks for submitting your manuscript. Your book may take up to 7 days to be reviewed. A retailer in the Indian Book Distribution system takes 10 days to receive the book, and a worldwide distribution channel takes 15 days to receive the book